LMA - Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique

[2023 - Stage M2] Interaction of ultrasound with in vitro 3d micro-environment of bone cells

M2 Internship proposition (5-6 months)

Supervisors :
Institution : IRPHé UMR7342, Marseille, France
cecile.baron@univ-amu.fr / carine.guivier@univ-amu.fr
Collaborations :
Philippe Lasaygues IR CNRS & Laurent Sabatier IR CNRS
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, LMA, UMR7031, Marseille, France


The aim of the current internship is to describe and quantify mechanical stresses induced by fluid movements generated around osteocytes by ultrasonic waves by integrating their 3D microenvironment. To gain insight into this question, finite element numerical models will be developed under Comsol Multiphysics to identify the hydrodynamic phenomena, such as acoustic streaming, induced by ultrasound waves in the scaffold whose internal architecture will be reconstructed from RX images (Figure 1.b). These models will progressively integrate the geometrical parameters and materials likely to influence the propagation of ultrasound waves and their mechanical interaction with the fluid inside the scaffolds. This internship is part of a larger ANR project (2023-2027) in collaboration with mechanics, acousticians and biologists to correlate the biological response of stimulated osteocytes to identified mechanical constraints.


The candidate should have academic knowledge in one or several disciplinary fields related to the subject : fluid and solid (bio)mechanics and acoustics. Skills in numerical modelling will be an asset to allow a quick handling of the implemented means.
He/she will have to show a spirit of synthesis, communication, rigour and methodology to be able to invest in the work requested and interact with the internship managers and the the laboratory environment in general.
It is possible to finance a thesis following this M2 internship.

Grant : 600€/month


Candidates must send their application by e-mail, including a Curriculum Vitae, a letter of motivation, transcripts and a letter of recommendation from a previous internship at cecile.baron@univ-amu.fr and carine.guivier@univ-amu.fr.
After examining the application, a video interview will be proposed.

More informations concerned "Context and preliminary work " and references here :

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