- Essential Psychoacoustical Elements of Loudness Discovery // Mary Florentine (US)
- Quantification of binaural loudness gain using simple reaction time // Wolfgang Ellermeier and J. Schlittenlacher (Ger)
- On the prediction of binaural loudness for directional, stationary sound sources // Michaël Vannier (Fr)
- Interaction between loudness and auditory scene analysis : A review of the revisited literature // Nicolas Grimault (Fr)
- Can reverse correlation methods be used to determine the spectral weighting of loudness ? // Walt Jesteadt (US)
- How do listeners judge the loudness of time-varying sounds ? Spectro-temporal weights for loudness // Daniel Oberfeld (Ger)
- Global loudness of non-stationary sounds : methods and perceptual processes // Emmanuel Ponsot and Patrick Susini (Fr)
- Intensity Dynamics and Loudness Change : Methods and Mechanisms // Kirk Olsen (Aus)
- From artificial to complex stimuli : Challenges for models for time-varying loudness // Jan Rennies, J. Hots and J. L. Verhey (Ger)
Registration will open soon on the website of the French Acoustical Society // www.sfa.asso.frThe registration fee is 50 euros for students and 100 euros for non-students. It includes coffee breaks and lunches for the two days. INSA-Lyon can be easily reached from the railway station or the international airport // More details soon on the website.
Organization committee
Sabine Meunier - Jacques Chatron - Sophie Savel - Guy Rabau // LMA - CNRS (Marseille)Patrick Susini - Emmanuel Ponsot // STMS Lab - Ircam - CNRS - UPMC (Paris)
Etienne Parizet - Michael Vannier // LVA - INSA (Lyon)