LMA - Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique

CMIS 2018 / Contact Mechanics International Symposium

Sanctuary of Oropa, Biella, Italy

Du 16 mai 2018 au 18 mai 2018

Following the tradition of CMIS symposia, the aim of this symposium is to gather researchers from the mathematical and engineering communities working on various aspects of contact mechanics, using theoretical, experimental and computational approaches.


The congress addresses a wide panorama of topics in the area of contact mechanics in order to reinforce the interactions and collaborations between various communities :

  • models, interface laws,wear, tribological modeling, cohesive zone models, rolling ;
  • emerging computational approaches : methods, algorithms and numerical analysis ;
  • mathematical analysis ;
  • dynamic contact problems, instabilities ;
  • micromechanics of contact and multiscale approaches ;
  • multiphysics and thermomechanical coupling ;
  • granular materials and rigid bodies ;
  • contact modeling in mechanical and civil engineering, biomechanics and geomechanics.


  • Giorgio Zavarise (Chairman), University of Salento, Italy
  • Michel Raous (Co-Chairman), Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique CNRS, Marseille, France
  • Peter Wriggers (Co-Chairman), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany


    M. L. De Bellis University of Salento, Italy


    Daniela Dell’Anna
    Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Salento
    Via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce – ITALY
    phone : +39 0832 297414
    fax : +39 0832 297592
    e-mail : cmis2018@unisalento.it

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