Including oldies (but goldies)....
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Bretheau T., Hervé E., Michel J.C., Salvo L., Suery M., Suquet P., Thébaud F., Zaoui A. : "Modélisation d’interfaces imparfaites dans un composite à matrice métallique". In JNC8. Ed. O. Allix, J.P. Favre, P. Ladevèze. Pluralis. Paris. 1992. 799-809.
Michel J.C., Suquet P., Thébaud F. : "Une étude théorique et numérique de la décohésion d’interface dans les composites à matrice métallique et renfort particulaire". In JNC8. Ed. O. Allix, J.P. Favre, P. Ladevèze. Pluralis. Paris. 1992. 835- 846.
Géraud Y., Gaviglio P., Mazerolle F., Suquet P., Corneille A. : "Continuity in characterization of structures of geomaterial (from 1 to 10-6 cm)". In F. Homand, F. Masrouri, J.P. Tisot (eds.) Structure and mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, Association scientifique pour la géologie et ses applications, ISBN 2-85555-047-5, 1992, 47-55.
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Moulinec H., Suquet P. : "A fast numerical method for computing the linear and nonlinear properties of composites", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, II, 318, 1994, 1417-1423.
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Bouchitte G., Suquet P. : "Equi-coercivity of variational problems. The role of recession functions". In H. Brézis, J.L. Lions (eds.) Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. College de France Seminar XII. Longman, Harlow, 1994, 31-54. pdf .
Ponte Castañeda P., Suquet P. :" On the effective mechanical behavior of weakly inhomogeneous nonlinear materials". Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 14, 1995, 205-236.
Suquet P. : "Overall properties of nonlinear composites : a modified secant moduli approach and its link with Ponte Castañeda’s nonlinear variational procedure", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, IIb, 320, 563-571, 1995.
Moulinec H., Suquet P. : "A FFT-based numerical method for computing the mechanical properties of composites from images of their microstructure". In R. Pyrsz (ed.) Microstructure-Property Interactions in Composite Materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995, pp 235-246. pdf
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Gărăjeu M., Suquet P. : "Effective properties of porous ideally plastic or viscoplastic materials containing rigid particles " J. Mech. Phys. Solids 45, 1997, 873-902.
Suquet P., Moulinec H. : "Numerical simulation of the effective properties of a class of cell materials". in K.M. Golden, G.R. Grimmett, R.D. James, G.W. Milton, P.N. Sen (eds.) Mathematics of multiscale materials. IMA Lecture Notes 99. Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1997, 277-287.
Suquet P. : "Effective properties of nonlinear composites". in Suquet P. (ed.) Continuum Micromechanics. CISM Lecture Notes N0 377. Springer-Verlag. Wien. 1997. pp 197-264.
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Ponte Castañeda P., Suquet P. : "Nonlinear composites". Advances in Applied Mechanics , 34, 1998, 171-302.
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Moulinec H., Suquet P. : “Micromechanics of Materials : from numerical simulations to predictive models”. In N. Aravas and J.T. Katsikadelis (eds.) 3rd National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Greek Association of Computational Mechanics, 1999, pp 93-100.
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Garajeu M., Michel J.C. and Suquet P. : A micromechanical approach of damage in viscoplastic materials by evolution in size, shape and distribution of voids", Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 183, 2000, 223-246.
Michel J.C., Moulinec H., Suquet P. : `` A computational method based on augmented Lagrangians and Fast Fourier Transforms for composites with high contrast", Comput. Modelling Engng. Sc., 1, 2000, 79-88.
Garajeu M., Suquet P. : "Micromechanical models for anisotropic damage in creeping materials. In A. Ben Allal (ed.) Continuous Damage and Fracture, Elsevier, 2000, pp. 117–127.
Michel J.C., Galvanetto U., Suquet P. : "Constitutive relations involving internal variables based on a micromechanical analysis", in R. Drouot, G.A. Maugin, F. Sidoroff (eds) Continuum Thermodynamics : The Art and Science of Modeling Material Behaviour, Klüwer Acad. Pub., 2000, 301-312. Preprint
Francfort G., Suquet P. : "Duality relations for nonlinear incompressible for two dimensional elasticity", Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 131A, 351-369, 2001.
Michel J.C., Moulinec H., Suquet P. : "A computational method for linear and nonlinear composites with arbitrary phase contrast", Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 52, 139—160, 2001.
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Suquet P. : "Nonlinear composites : Secant methods and variational bounds". In J. Lemaître (ed.) Handbook of Materials Behavior Models. Academic Press, 2001, pp. 968-983. pdf
Michel J.C., Moulinec H., Suquet P. : "Composites à microstructure périodique". In M. Bornert, T. Bretheau et P. Gilormini (eds) Homogénéisation en Mécanique des Matériaux, Hermes Science Publications, 2001, tome 1, chap. 3, pp. 57–94. Preprint
Bornert M., Suquet P. : "Propriétés non linéaires des composites : approches par les potentiels." In M. Bornert, T. Bretheau et P. Gilormini (eds) Homogénéisation en Mécanique des Matériaux, Hermes Science Publications, 2001, tome 2, chap. 2, pp. 45–90.
Chaboche J.L., Suquet P., Besson J. : "Endommagement et changement d’échelle". In M. Bornert, T. Bretheau et P. Gilormini (eds) Homogénéisation en Mécanique des Matériaux, Hermes Science Publications, 2001, tome 2, chap. 3, pp. 91–146. Preprint
Michel J.C., Suquet P. : "Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis", Int. J. Solids and Struct., 40, 6937-6955, 2003. pdf
Moulinec H., Suquet P., 2003 : "Intraphase fluctuations in nonlinear composites : a computational approach", Eur. J. Mech./A : Solids, 22, 751-770.
Moulinec H., Suquet P., 2003 : “Comparison of FFT-based methods for computing the response of composites with highly contrasted mechanical properties", Physica B, 338, 58-60.
Lahellec N., Michel J.C., Moulinec H., Suquet P. : "Analysis of inhomogeneous materials at large strains using fast Fourier transforms". in C. Miehe (ed.) Computational Mechanics of Solid Materials at Large Strains, Klüwer Acad. Pub., pp 247-258, 2003. Preprint .
Lahellec N., Suquet P. :” Estimations affine et second ordre du comportement de composites viscoélastiques non linéaires ”. in M. Potier-Ferry, M. Bonnet, A. Bignonnet (eds) 6ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, tome 3, CSMA Pub., pp 49-56, 2003.
Michel J.C., Suquet P. :”Sur l’analyse par déformations de transformation non uniformes de composites à constituants élastoplastiques standard généralisés”. in M. Potier-Ferry, M. Bonnet, A. Bignonnet (eds) 6ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, tome 3, CSMA Pub., pp 65-72, 2003.
Lahellec N., Suquet P., 2004, "Nonlinear composites : a linearization procedure which is exact to second-order in the contrast and has no gap between the strain-energy formulation and the affine formulation”, C. R. Mécanique, 332, 693-700.
Michel J.C. and Suquet P., 2004 : “Computational analysis of nonlinear composite structures using the Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis", Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 193, 5477-5502.
Moulinec H., Suquet P., 2004 : " Homogenization for nonlinear composites in the light of numerical simulation.” in P. Ponte Castañeda and J.J. Telega (eds) Nonlinear Homogenization and Its Application to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials. Klüwer Acad. Pub., NATO Sciences Series II, vol 170. Klüwer Acad. Pub., pp. 193–223.
Bilger N., Auslender F., Bornert M., Michel J.C., Moulinec H., Suquet P. and Zaoui A., 2005, "Effect of a nonuniform distribution of voids on the plastic response of voided materials : a computational and statistical analysis", Int. J. Solids Struct., 42, 517-538.
Suquet P. : “Effect of small fluctuations in the volume fraction of constituents on the effective properties of composites", C. R. Mécanique, 333, 219-226, 2005.
Bhattacharya K. and Suquet P., 2005, "A model problem concerning recoverable strains of shape- memory polycrystals", Proc. R. Soc. London A, 461, 2797-2816.
Roussette S., Michel J.C. et Suquet P. Analyse par champs de transformation non uniformes de composites élastoviscoplastiques. In Comptes Rendus des Quatorzièmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (Compiègne, 22-24 mars, 2005), M.L. Benzeggagh et J. Lamon, Eds., AMAC, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 739–747.
Idiart M., Moulinec H., Ponte Castañeda P. and Suquet P., 2006, "Macroscopic behavior and field fluctuations in viscoplastic composites : second-order estimates versus full-field simulations", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 54 , 1029-1063.
Lahellec N. and Suquet P., 2007, "Effective behavior of linear viscoelastic composites : a time- integration approach", Int. J. Sol. Struct.,44, 507-529 .
Gărăjeu M. and Suquet P., 2007, "On the influence of local fluctuations in volume-fraction of constituents on the effective properties of nonlinear composites. Application to porous materials", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 55, 842-878.
Lahellec N. and Suquet P., 2007, "On the effective behavior of nonlinear elasto-viscoplastic com- posites : I. Incremental variational principles.", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 55, 1932–1963.
Lahellec N. and Suquet P., 2007, "On the effective behavior of nonlinear elasto-viscoplastic com- posites : II. A second-order procedure.", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 55, 1964-1992.
Vincent P.G., Monerie Y. and Suquet P., 2008, "Ductile damage of porous materials with two populations of voids". Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 336 (1-2), 245-259.
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Roussette S., Michel JC and Suquet P., 2009, "Nonuniform transformation field analysis of elastic- viscoplastic composites". Composites Science and Technology 69, 22-27.
Michel J.C., Suquet P. (2009) : "Nonuniform transformation field analysis : a reduced model for multiscale nonlinear problems in solid mechanics". In U. Galvanetto and F. Aliabadi (eds) Multiscale Modelling in Solid Mechanics - Computational Approaches, Imperial College Press, chap. 4, pp. 159-206. Preprint
Lebensohn R.A., Rollett A.D. and Suquet P., 2011, "Fast Fourier Transform-based modelling for the determination of micromechanical fields in polycrystals". Journal of Materials 63, 13-18.
Lahellec N., Ponte Castañeda P. and Suquet P. , 2011, "Variational estimates for the effective response and field statistics in thermoelastic composites with intra-phase property fluctuations". Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 447, 224-2246.
Largenton R., JC Michel, P. Suquet, 2011, "Simulation et modélisation du comportement hétérogène des combustibles MOX en service par une analyse de champs de transformation non uniformes". 10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens. France (2011)
Vu Q.H., R. Brenner, O. Castelnau, H. Moulinec and P. Suquet, 2012, "A self-consistent estimate for linear viscoelastic polycrystals with internal variables inferred from the collocation method", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 20, 024003 (17p). Preprint. doi.
Grennerat F., M. Montagnat, O. Castelnau, P. Vacher, H. Moulinec, P. Suquet and P. Duval, 2012, "Intragranular strain field in columnar ice during transient creep", Acta Materiala, 60, 3655-3666.
Suquet P., 2012, "Four exact relations for the effective relaxation function of linear viscoelastic composites", Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 340, 387-399. Preprint doi
Suquet P., H. Moulinec, O. Castelnau, M. Montagnat, N. Lahellec, F. Grennerat, P. Duval, R. Brenner, 2012, "Multi-scale modeling of the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline ice under transient creep." Procedia IUTAM, 3, 76-90. Preprint. doi
Lahellec N. and P. Suquet, 2013, " Effective response and field statistics in elasto-(visco)plastic composites under radial and non-radial loadings", Int. J. Plasticity, 40, 1–30. Preprint, doi
Brenner R. and Suquet P., 2013, "Overall response of viscoelastic composites and polycrystals : exact asymptotic relations and approximate estimates." International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 1824-1838. Preprint. doi
Vincent P.-G., Suquet P., Monerie Y., Moulinec H., 2013, "Effective flow surface of porous ma- terials with two populations of voids under internal pressure : I. a GTN model". International Journal of Plasticity, 56, 45-73. Preprint. doi.
Vincent P.-G., Suquet P., Monerie Y., Moulinec H., 2013, "Effective flow surface of porous ma-terials with two populations of voids under internal pressure : II. full-field simulations". International Journal of Plasticity, 56, 74-98. Preprint. doi.
Montagnat M., Castelnau O., Bons P.D., Faria S.H., Gagliardini O. Gillet-Chaulet F., Grennerat F., Griera A., Lebensohn R.A., Moulinec H., Roessiger J. and Suquet P., 2014, "Multiscale modeling of ice deformation behavior". Journal of Structural Geology, 61, 78-108. Preprint. doi.
Suquet P. and Lahellec N., 2014, "Elasto-plasticity of heterogeneous materials at different scales." Procedia IUTAM, 10, 247-262. Preprint.doi.
Brenner R., A. J. Beaudoin, P. Suquet and A. Acharya, 2014, "Numerical implementation of static Field Dislocation Mechanics theory for periodic media". Philosophical Magazine. Preprint doi.
Largenton R., J.C. Michel, P. Suquet, 2014, " Extension of the Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis to linear viscoelastic composites in the presence of aging and swelling". Mechanics of Materials, 73, 76-100. Preprint. doi
Lahellec N., C. Badulescu, P. Suquet, 2015, "Field statistics in linear viscoelastic composites and polycrystals." European Journal of Mechanics/A : Solids, 49, 329—344.
Michel JC. and P. Suquet, 2016, "A model-reduction approach to the micromechanical analysis of polycrystalline materials". Computational Mechanics, 57, 483-508. doi
Michel JC. and P. Suquet, 2016, "A model-reduction approach in micromechanics of materials preserving the variational structure of constitutive relations". J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 90, 254-285. doi
Das A., A. Acharya and P. Suquet, 2016, "Microstructure in plasticity without non-convexity". Computational Mechanics, 57, 483-508, doi
Michel JC. and P. Suquet, 2017, "Effective potentials in nonlinear polycrystals and quadrature formulae". Proceedings of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473, Preprint . doi.
Gallican V., R. Brenner and P. Suquet, 2017, "Exact asymptotic relations for the effective response of linear viscoelastic heterogeneous media". C. R. Mecanique, 375, 742-751. Preprint . doi.
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Last updated January 2017