Opérations de recherches :
Dynamique et contact (axe structure)
Contact, Frottement, Interfaces (axe structure)
Compétences : Modélisation d’interface, frottement, adhésion. Dynamique, instabilités.
Contact et frottement en grandes déformations. Analyse mathématique et numérique des problèmes de contact.
Google Scholar
Approximation results and subspace correction algorithms for implicit variational inequalities
Badea Lori ,Cocou Marius
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S 2013, vol. 6, issue 6, pp. 1507-1524
A class of implicit evolution inequalities and applications to dynamic contact problems
Cocou Marius
Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) 2013, vol. 4 (LXII), issue 1, pp. 181-192
A dynamic unilateral contact problem with adhesion and friction in viscoelasticity
Cocou Marius ,Schryve Mathieu ,Raous Michel
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 2010, vol. 61, issue 4, pp. 721 - 743
A class of implicit variational inequalities and applications to frictional contact
Capatina Anca ,Cocou Marius ,Raous Michel
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2009, vol. 32, issue 14, pp. 1804-1827
Existence of a solution to a dynamic unilateral contact problem for a cracked viscoelastic body
Cocou Marius ,Scarella Gilles
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I 2004, vol. 338, pp. 341-346