Keywords :
Adhesive connection, Composite material, Offshore structures, Seawater enviroment
PhD in Engineering of the "Structures is of the Building and Urban Recovery", speciality Structural Mechanics, 2016, University of Salerno.
2016-2018, Research Fellow at University of Salerno.
2017, Visiting Scholar at Mc-Master University, Civil Engineering Department.
2018-2019, Research Fellow at SCWE (Sino-Canada R&D Center for Water and Environmental Safety) of Nankai University.
2019-Present, Researcher at ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development).
2019-Present, Researcher, CDD, "Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships" at LMA.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
Funded under : H2020-EU.1.3.2.
Host Institution : CNRS – LMA
Supervisor : Prof. Frédéric Lebon (LMA)
Co-supervisor : Dr. Aurélien Maurel-Pantel (LMA)
Industrial Partner : IDEOL
The development of floating (offshore) wind turbines on a commercial scale is expected to grow considerably over the next few years after that different countries have recognized them as the best solution for the production of sustainable energy. In order to satisfy the required needs of safety, serviceability, durability and affordability, the actual connections and the secondary structures have to be replaced by a new ones based on the bonding technique.
The ASSO project has the principal purpose to establish a sound framework for the feasibility and assessment of adhesive connections for offshore wind installations in the marine environment, including experimental tests and accurate numerical procedures.
In this framework, the ASSO project aims to develop : an innovative non-linear mechanical model able to investigate the influence of seawater on the performance of adhesive connections in the presence of leading causes of degradation, ageing and vibrations (due to the waves) ; an experimental database in order to predict their service life investigating the long-term behaviour and resistance in seawater environment. Consequently, in order to increase the knowledge of adhesive connections in the marine environment, the project is composed of the following three different levels : experimental tests, non-linear mechanical model and FEM analysis. The multidisciplinary nature of the project is strong, involving aspects of mechanical engineering, structural engineering, environmental engineering, applied mathematics, numerical analysis and advanced materials design.
The proposal includes both the transfer of knowledge to the host institution and the training of the candidate in new advanced techniques. Results have the potential capacity to increase the diffusion of offshore wind installations for sustainable energy production, an ambitious target in line with the EU strategy.
More informations : CORDIS EUROPA