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The list below only contains publications from the HAL database. For a more exhaustive list of publications, please visit:
A synthesis model with intuitive control capabilities for rolling sounds
Conan Simon ,Derrien Olivier ,Mitsuko Aramaki ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2014, vol. 22, issue 8, pp. 1260 - 1273
From sound to shape: auditory perception of drawing movements
Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Ystad Solvi
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 2014, vol. 40, issue 3, pp. 983-994
From acoustic descriptors to evoked quality of car door sounds
Bezat Marie-Céline ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Roussarie Vincent ,Ystad Sølvi
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2014, vol. 136, issue 1, pp. 226-241
Perceptual characterization of motion evoked by sounds for synthesis control purposes
Merer Adrien ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 2013, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 1-24
Influence du retour sonore dans l'habitacle automobile sur la perception de mouvement du conducteur
DENJEAN Sebastien ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Roussarie Vincent ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Ystad Solvi
Acoustique et Technique 2013, issue 70, pp. 24-30
A Class of Algorithms for Time-Frequency Multiplier Estimation
Olivero Anaïk ,Torrésani Bruno ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2013, vol. 21, issue 8, pp. 1550 - 1559
High-level control of sound synthesis for sonification processes
Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Aramaki Mitsuko
AI & Society 2012, vol. 27, issue 2, pp. 245-255
Cosmic ray sonification: the COSMOPHONE
Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Calvet D. ,Vallée C.
AI and Society 2012, vol. 27, issue 2, pp. 307-309
High level control of sound synthesis for sonification processes
Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Aramaki Mitsuko
AI&Society, Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication 2012, vol. 24, issue 1, pp. 245-255
Toward an exploration of feeling of strangeness in schizophrenia: perspectives on acousmatic and everyday listening
Micoulaud-Franchi J. A. ,ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Merer Adrien ,Cermolacce M. ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Naudin J. ,Vion-Dury Jean
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2012, vol. 131, issue 3, pp. 628-640
Categorization and timbre perception of environmental sounds in schizophrenia
Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Merer Adrien ,Michel Cermolacce ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Vion-Dury Jean
Psychiatry Research 2011, vol. 189, issue 1, pp. 149-152
Additivity of nonsimultaneous masking for short Gaussian-shaped sinusoids
Laback Bernhard ,Balazs Peter ,Necciari Thibaud ,Savel Sophie ,Ystad Solvi ,Meunier Sabine ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2011, vol. 129, issue 2, pp. 888-897
Acoustical correlates of timbre and expressiveness in clarinet performance
Barthet Mathieu ,Depalle Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Music Perception 2010, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. pp. 135-154
Controlling the perceived material in an impact sound synthesizer
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Besson Mireille ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2010, vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 301-314
Analysis-by-synthesis of timbre, timing, and dynamics in expressive clarinet performance
Barthet Mathieu ,Depalle Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Music Perception 2010, vol. 28, issue 3, pp. 265-278
From clarinet control to timbre perception
Barthet Mathieu ,Guillemain Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 2010, vol. 96, issue 4, pp. 678-689
Time-frequency synthesis of noisy sounds with narrow spectral components
Marelli Damian ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Verron Charles
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2010, vol. 18, issue 8, pp. 1929-1940
The evocative power of sounds: conceptual priming between words and nonverbal sounds
Schön Daniele ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Besson Mireille
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2010, vol. 22, issue 5, pp. 1026-1035
A 3D Immersive synthesizer for environmental sounds
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,PALLONE Grégory
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2010, vol. 18, issue 6, pp. 1550-1561
Sound categorization and conceptual priming for nonlinguistic and linguistic sounds
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Marie Céline ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Besson Mireille
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2009, vol. 22, issue 11, pp. 2555-2569
Real-time perceptual simulation of moving sources: application to the Leslie cabinet and 3D sound immersion
Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2008, vol. 2008, pp. 10, ID 849696
Sound quality assessment of wood for xylophone bars
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Bailleres Henri ,BRANCHERIAU LOIC ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2007, vol. 121, issue 4, pp. 2407-2420
Influence of syllabic lengthening on semantic processing in spoken french: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence
Magne Cyrille ,Astesano Corine ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Besson Mireille
Cerebral Cortex 2007, vol. 17, issue 11, pp. 2659-2668
Electrophysiological study of algorithmically processed metric/rhythmic variations in language and music
Ystad Solvi ,Magne Cyrille ,Farner Snorre ,PALLONE Grégory ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Besson Mireille ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2007, vol. 2007, pp. 30194.1-30194.13
Analysis-Synthesis of impact sound by real time dynamic filtering
ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2006, vol. 14(2), pp. 695-705
A percussive sound synthesizer based on physical and perceptual attributes
ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi
Computer Music Journal (Project Muse) 2006, vol. 30, issue 2, pp. 32-41
Key signal and wood anatomy parameters related to the acoustic quality of wood for xylophone-type percussion instruments
Brancheriau Loïc ,Bailleres H. ,Detienne P. ,Gril J. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
Journal of Wood Science 2006, vol. 52, issue 3, pp. 270-273
Classifying xylophone bar materials by perceptual, signal processing and wood anatomy analysis
Brancheriau Loïc ,Bailleres H. ,Detienne P. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Metzger B.
Annals of Forest Science 2006, vol. 63(1), pp. 73-81
Parameter fitting for piano sound synthesizer based on physical and perceptual attributes
Bensa Julien ,Gipouloux Olivier ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2005, vol. 118(1), pp. 495-504
Computational modeling of stiff piano strings using digital waveguides and finite difference
Bensa Julien ,Bilbao S. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Smith J.O. ,Voinier Thierry
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 2005, vol. 91, pp. 289-298
Comparison of Rhythmic processing in Language and Music : An interdisciplinary approach
Magne C. ,ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Astesano C. ,Gordon R.L. ,Ystad Solvi ,Farner Snorre ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Besson M.
Journal of Music and Meaning 2005, vol. 3, pp. x-x
A hydrid re-synthesis model for hammer-strings interaction of pianotones
Bensa Julien ,Jensen K. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
Journal of Applied Signal Processing 2004, vol. 2004, pp. 1021-1035
Designing musical interfaces with composition in Mind
Gobin P. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Lagesse G.A. ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi
Lecture notes in computer science 2004, vol. 2771, pp. 225-246
The simulation of piano string vibrations : From physical models to finite difference schemes and digital waveguides
Bensa Julien ,Bilbao S. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Smith J.O.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2003, vol. 114, pp. 1095-1107
Extraction of Modulation laws of Elastic Shells by the use of the Wavelet Transform.
Saracco Ginette ,Sessarego Jean-Pierre ,Sageloli Jean ,Guillemain Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
Research Notes in Applied Mathematics, Masson-Springer 1991, vol. Wavelets and Applications, Ed Y. Meyer, issue Research Notes in Applied Mathematics, serie eds P.J. Ciarlet & J.L. Lions, pp. 61-68
Handwriting Movement Sonification for the Rehabilitation of Dysgraphia
Danna Jérémy ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Paz-Villagrán Vietminh ,Capel Annabelle ,Petroz Céline ,Gondre Charles ,Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2013, 200-208, 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) - Sound, Music & Motion - 15 - 18 oct. 2013 - Marseille, France, Marseille, France
Synchronizing Gestures with Friction Sounds: Work in Progress
Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Bourdin Christophe ,Bringoux Lionel ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2013, 190 - 199, 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) - Sound, Music & Motion - 15 - 18 oct. 2013 - Marseille, France, Marseille, France
Are electric and hybrid vehicles too quiet for drivers?
DENJEAN Sebastien ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Roussarie Vincent ,Sciabica, Jean-François ,Ystad Solvi 2013, xxx, Internoise 2013, Innsbruck, France
An intuitive synthesizer of sustained interaction sounds
Conan Simon ,Thoret Etienne ,Gondre Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2013, 1045 - 1050, 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR), MARSEILLE, France
Navigating in a space of synthesized interaction-sounds: rubbing, scratching and rolling sounds
Conan Simon ,Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Derrien Olivier ,Gondre Charles ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2013, 202 - 209, 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Maynooth, Irlande
Controlling a non linear friction model for evocative sound synthesis applications
Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Gondre Charles ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2013, XX, International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Maynooth, Irlande
Perceptual differences between sounds produced by different continuous interactions
Conan Simon ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Thoret Etienne ,Ystad Solvi 2012, ., Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France
How does interior car noise alter driver's perception of motion? Multisensory integration in speed perception
DENJEAN Sebastien ,Roussarie Vincent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,VELAY Jean-Luc 2012, ., Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France
Motor noise influence on acceleration perception in a dynamic driving simulator
SCIABICA Jean-François ,Roussarie Vincent ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2012, ., Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France
Sonifying drawings: characterization of perceptual attributes of sounds produced by human gestures
Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,VELAY Jean-Luc ,Ystad Solvi 2012, ., Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France
Perceptual optimization of audio representations based on time-frequency masking data for maximally-compact stimuli.
Necciari Thibaud ,Balazs Peter ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Laback Bernhard ,Savel Sophie ,Meunier Sabine 2012, xxx, 45th International Conference on Applications of Time-Frequency Processing in Audio, Helsinki, Finlande
Dissimilarity test modelisation applyied to interior car sound perception.
Sciabica, Jean-François ,Olivero Anaïk ,Roussarie Vincent ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2012, xxx, AES 45th International Conference on Applications of Time-Frequency Processing in Audio, Helsinki, Finlande
ESPRIT in Gabor Frames
Sirdey Adrien ,Derrien Olivier ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Aramaki Mitsuko 2012, 1-9, AES 45th International Conference, Helsinki, Finlande
Sound morphing strategies based on alterations of time-frequency representations by Gabor multipliers
Olivero Anaïk ,Torrésani Bruno ,Depalle Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2012, 17, AES 45th International Conference on Applications of Time-Frequency Processing in Audio, Helsinki, Finlande
From shape to sound: sonification of two dimensional curves by reenaction of biological movements
Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Ystad Solvi 2012, XX, Music and Emotions - 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR), 19-22 June, London, 2012, Londres, Royaume-Uni
Rolling sound synthesis : work in progress
Conan Simon ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2012, 257-264, 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR), London, Royaume-Uni
Modal Analysis of Impact Sounds with ESPRIT in Gabor Transforms
Sirdey Adrien ,Derrien Olivier ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Aramaki Mitsuko 2011, 1-6, 14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-11), Paris, France
The way timbre shapes musical preference: a clarinet performance case study
Barthet Mathieu ,Guillemain Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2011, xxx, Performance Studies Network (PSN) International Conference, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni
Adjusting the Spectral Envelope Evolution of Transposed Sounds with Gabor Mask Prototypes
Sirdey Adrien ,Derrien Olivier ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2010, 1-7, 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), Graz, Autriche
On the potentiality of abstract sounds in perception research
Merer Adrien ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,ARAMAKI Mitsuko 2010, 207- 219, Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR), Málaga, Espagne
Masquage auditif temps-fréquence avec des stimuli de forme Gaussienne
Necciari Thibaud ,Savel Sophie ,Meunier Sabine ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2010, -, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France
Masquage auditif temps-fréquence avec des stimuli de forme gaussienne.
Necciari Thibaud ,Savel Sophie ,Meunier Sabine ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2010, CD-ROM (4 pages), 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France
Estimation de multiplicateur de Gabor par algorithmes d'optimisation
Olivero Anaïk ,Torrésani Bruno ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2010, -, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France
A new method for Gabor multipliers estimation : application to sound morphing
Olivero Anaïk ,Torrésani Bruno ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2010, 507-511, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), Aalborg, Danemark
Caractérisation des variations de timbre du bruit moteur dans l'habitacle d'une automobile par application d'un modèle auditif
Sciabica Jean-François ,Bézat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2010, -, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France
Contrôle intuitif d'un synthétiseur d'environnements sonores spatialisés
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Pallone Grégory 2010, -, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France
Contrôle intuitif d'un synthétiseur d'environnements sonores spatialisés
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,PALLONE Grégory 2010, CD-ROM (6 pages), 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France
Thinking the sounds: an intuitive control of an impact sound synthesizer
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Gondre Charles ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi 2009, 119-124, International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD'09), Copenhague, Danemark
Analyse et catégorisation de sons par multiplicateurs temps-fréquence
Olivero Anaïk ,Daudet Laurent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Torrésani Bruno 2009,, XXIIe colloque GRETSI (Dijon), Dijon, France
Towards the timbre modeling of interior car sound
Sciabica, Jean-François ,Bezat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2009, 31-35, International Conference on Auditory Display, Copenhague, Danemark
Analysis/synthesis and spatialization of noisy environmental sounds
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,PALLONE Grégory 2009, 36-41, 15th International Conference on Auditory Display, Copenhague, Danemark
Controlling a spatialized environmental sound synthesizer
Verron Charles ,PALLONE Grégory ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2009, 321 - 324, WASPAA '09, New Paltz, New York, États-Unis
Spatialized additive synthesis of environmental sounds
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,PALLONE Grégory 2008, CD-ROM, 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention, San Fransisco, États-Unis
Perception of impacted materials: sound retrieval and synthesis control persepctives
Aramaki Mitsuko ,BRANCHERIAU LOIC ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2008, 1-8, CMMR2008, Copenhague, Danemark
Relations between acoustic parameters and perceptual properties: an apporach by regression tree applied to car door closure sounds.
Bezat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2008, CD-ROM, Acoustics '08, Paris, France
Perceptual Categorization of Moving Sounds For Synthesis Applications
Merer Adrien ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Besson Mireille ,Velay Jean-Luc 2007, vol. 1, 69-72, International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Danemark
The effect of timbre in clarinet interpretation
Barthet Mathieu ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Depalle Philippe 2007, xxx, International Computer Music Conference, Copenhague, France
Car door closure sounds: characterization of perceptual properties through analysis-synthesis approach
Bezat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Voinier Thierry ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2007, CD-ROM, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Espagne
A spatialized additive synthesizer
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,PALLONE Grégory 2007, CD-ROM, The Inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science, Sidney, Australie
Relationship between sound classification of xylophone-like bars and wood species properties
ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Bailleres H. ,Brancheriau Loïc ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2006, CD-ROM, Thirtheenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV13), Vienne, Autriche
Consistency of timbre patterns in expressive music performance
Barthet Mathieu ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2006, 19-25, 9th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Montréal, Canada
Perceptual analyses of action-related impact sounds
Bezat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Mcadams Stephen 2006, CD-ROM, Euronoise 2006, Tampere, Finlande
Timbre variation as an attribute of naturalness in clarinet play
Farner Snorre ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi 2006, vol. 3902, 45-53, Third International Symposium (CMMR 2005), Pisa, Italie
An acoustical and cognitive approach to the semiotics of sound objects
Schön Daniele ,Ystad Solvi ,Besson Mireille ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2006, pp 1862, 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Bologna, Italie
Synthesis and perceptual manipulation of percussive sounds
ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi 2005, 335-338
On the relative influence of even and odd harmonics in clarinet timbre
Barthet Mathieu ,Guillemain Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2005, 351-354
Sound fluctuation as an attribute of naturalness in clarinet play
Farner Snorre ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi 2005, 210-218
Analysis-Synthesis of impact sounds
ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2004, 1769-1772
A cognitive approach to piano timbre
Bensa Julien ,Dubois D. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2004, -
Towards a Better Understanding of the Relationship Between the Clarinet Timbre and the Playing
Guillemain Philippe ,Helland R. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2004, -
The wave digital reed : a passive formulation
Bilbao S. ,Bensa Julien ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2003, -
A power normalized non-linear lossy piano hammer
Bilbao S. ,Bensa Julien ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Smith J.O. 2003, -
Characterization of elastic shells by the use of the wavelet transform
Saracco Ginette ,Guillemain Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 1990, vol. 2, 881-885, Ultrasonics Symposium, Honolulu, États-Unis
Additivity of auditory masking using gaussian-shaped tones.
Laback Bernhard ,Balazs Peter ,Toupin Gwenael ,Necciari Thibaud ,Savel Sophie ,Meunier Sabine ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard 2008, 3563, Acoustics'08, Paris, France
Towards a synthesis tool using 'evocation' as control parameters
Merer Adrien ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2008, xxx, Acoustics'08, Paris, France
Auditory masking using gaussian-windowed stimuli.
Necciari Thibaud ,Savel Sophie ,Meunier Sabine ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Laback Bernhard ,Balazs Peter 2008, 3568, Acoustics'08, Paris, France
Vers une approche acoustique et cognitive de la sémiotique des objets sonores
Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,SchÖn Danièle ,Besson Mireille 2005, Journées USTS, 7-9 décembre, France
Are electric and hybrid vehicles too quiet for drivers?
DENJEAN Sebastien ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Roussarie Vincent ,Sciabica, Jean-François ,Ystad Solvi 2013-09-15, Internoise 2013, Innsbruck, Autriche
Sonifying handwriting movements as real-time auditory feedback for the rehabilitation of dysgraphia
Danna Jérémy ,Paz-Villagrán Vietminh ,Thoret Etienne ,Gondre Charles ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Capel Annabelle ,Petroz Céline ,Pierre Peggy ,Cazès Odile ,Limozin Anouk ,Velay Jean-Luc 2013-07-13, IXth International Conference on Progress in Motor Control (PMCIX), Montreal, Canada
Exploration of timbre variations in music performance
Barthet Mathieu ,Guillemain Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi 2008-06-29, Acoustics'08, Paris, France
Spatialized additive synthesis
Verron Charles ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,PALLONE Grégory 2008-06-29, Acoustics '08, Paris, France
Timbre control of a real-time percussive synthesizer
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi 2007, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Espagne
Time-Frequency multipliers for sound synthesis
Depalle Philippe ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Torrésani Bruno 2007, vol. 6701, 670118-1 -- 670118-15, SPIE annual Symposium Wavelet XII, San Diego, États-Unis
Prospective view on sound synthesis BCI control in light of two paradigms of cognitive neuroscience
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Micoulaud-Franchi Jean-Arthur ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Vion-Dury Jean ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp. xxx
Intuitive control of rolling sound synthesis
Conan Simon ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg 2013, pp. 99 - 109, isbn 978-3-642-41247-9
Reenacting sensorimotor features of drawing movements from friction sounds
Thoret Etienne ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Velay Jean-Luc ,Ystad Solvi
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp. 130-153, isbn 978-3-642-41248-6
Perceptual control of environmental sound synthesis
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, pp. 172-186, isbn 978-3-642-31979-2
Auditory time-frequency masking: psychoacoustical data and application to audio representations
Necciari Thibaud ,Balazs Peter ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Laback Bernhard ,Savel Sophie ,Meunier Sabine
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, pp. 146-171, isbn 978-3-642-31979-2
Abstract sounds and their applications in audio and perception research
Merer Adrien ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,ARAMAKI Mitsuko
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, pp. 176-187, isbn 978-3-642-23125-4
Imagine the sounds: anintuitive control of an impact sound synthesizer
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Gondre Charles ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, pp. 408-422
Timbre characteristics of interior car sound
Sciabica, Jean-François ,Bezat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, pp. 377-391
Towards timbre modeling of sounds inside accelerating cars
Sciabica, Jean-François ,Bezat Marie-Céline ,Roussarie Vincent ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Verlag/Heidelberg 2010, pp. 377-392
Timbre perception of sounds fromimpacted materials: behavioral, electrophysiological and acoustic approaches
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Besson Mireille ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2009, pp. 1-17
Perception of impacted materials: sound retrieval and synthesis control perspectives
Aramaki Mitsuko ,BRANCHERIAU LOIC ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2009, pp. 134-146
Improving musical expressiveness by time-varying brightness shaping
Barthet Mathieu ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2008, pp. 313-336
Semiotics of sounds evoking motions: categorization and acoustic features
Merer Adrien ,Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Aramaki Mitsuko
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2008, pp. 139-158
Vers une approche acoustique et cognitive de la sémiotique des objets sonores
Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Schön Daniele ,Besson Mireille
Delatour 2008, pp. 79-90
Timbre variations as an attribute of naturalness in clarinet play
Farner Snorre ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2006, pp. 45-53
Perceptive and cognitive evaluation of a piano synthesis model
Bensa Julien ,Dubois D. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005, pp. 232-245
The clarinet timbre as an attribute of expressiveness
Guillemain Philippe ,Helland T. ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005, pp. 246-259
From sounds to music and emotions
Aramaki Mitsuko ,Barthet Mathieu ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2013, pp. 502, isbn 978-3-642-41247-9
Auditory display
Ystad Solvi ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Jensen Kristoffer
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, pp. 493, ISBN: 978-3-642-12438-9
Genesis of meaning in sound and music
Ystad Solvi ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Jensen Kristoffer
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009, pp. 285, ISBN: 978-3-642-02517-4
Sense of Sounds
Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Ystad Solvi ,Jensen Kristoffer
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008, pp. 508, ISBN: 978-3-540-85034-2
Computer music modeling and retrieval
Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Voinier Thierry ,Ystad Solvi
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006, pp. 275, ISBN 3-540-34027-0
Speech, sound and music processing: embracing research in India
Ystad Solvi ,Aramaki Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Jensen Kristoffer ,Sanghamitra Mohanty
Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, pp. 235, isbn 978-3-642-31979-2
Exploring Music Contents
Ystad Solvi ,ARAMAKI Mitsuko ,Kronland-Martinet Richard ,Jensen Kristoffer
Springer - LNCS 2011, pp. 361, isbn 978-3-642-23125-4