Time-local formulation of passive impedance boundary conditions

Date d'évènement : 16/01/2024

Florian Monteghetti  / I2M - Groupe Analyse Appliquée 

Time-local formulation of passive impedance boundary conditions

Abstract: In computational aeroacoustics, time-domain impedance boundary conditions (TDIBCs) can be employed to model a locally reacting sound absorbing material. The broad objective of this work is to achieve accurate noise level predictions using realistic physical impedance models, which lead to TDIBCs that are non-local in time.
The first part of the talk will focus on the derivation of time-local realizations of linear physical impedance models; two families of realizations will be presented, a dissipative and a conservative one. The second part of the talk will focus on the high-order discretization of the linearized Euler equations with a possibly non-linear TDIBC.

Le 16 janvier 2024 de 11h00 à 12h00 / Amphithéâtre François Canac, LMA

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