Research activity
Topic « Seismo-acoustics in marine environments »
Collaboration with Shom, MAREE, GéoAzur, Cerema Méditerranée, LPG Nantes, ENSTA Bretagne, NTNU Trondheim (Norway)- Ultra-low-frequency waves generated by anthropogenic activities pile driving, UXO clearance by countermining)
- Surface/Interface waves
- ANR Project POSA (2016 - 2019, PI SHOM) : Modeling of seismic wave propagation from anthropogenic sources, in order to address risk management ahead of blasting operations in the marine field
Topic : « Interaction waves-interfaces »
Collaboration with NTNU Trondheim (Norway)- Vertical and horizontal seismic resolutions - Characteristics of the Interface Fresnel zone in complex environments (curved reflector, anisotropic media)
- Impact of the reflector curvature on the amplitudes of reflected and transmitted waves - Prism waves
Topic « Calibration of numerical methods by experimental simulations in laboratory »
Collaboration with NTNU Trondheim (Norway) and IPGG Novosibirsk (Russia)- BENCHIE project : Influence of the strong 3D topography on wave propagation, comparison between laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
- ITN WAVES project (2015-2018, PI UPMC) and PhD thesis of Bence Solymosi : comparison between laboratory experiments and numerical simulations in complex marine environments
Topic : « Acoustic emission »
Collaboration with CEA Cadarache
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The publications listed here without attached PDF reprints can be given upon request.
International Journals
- Bonnin M., Mercerat D.E., Beucler E., Favretto-Cristini N., Deschamps A., Ambrois D. & Garlan T. (2023) Short-range recordings of shallow underwater explosions with short-period and broadband seismometers in the Bay of Hyères, France. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1-19. DOI 10.1785/0120220141 PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Garlan T., Morio O., Démoulin X., Arrigoni M., Deschamps A., Bonnin M., Beucler E., Mercerat D., Ambrois D., Schwab R., Cristini P. & Wang F. (2022) Assessment of risks induced by counter-mining unexploded large-charge historical ordnance in a shallow water environment : Part 1. Real case study. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 47(2), 350-373. DOI 10.1109/JOE.2021.3111819 PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Wang. F., Cristini P., Garlan T., Morio O., Mercerat D., Monteiller V., Deschamps A. & Beucler E. (2022) Assessment of risks induced by counter-mining unexploded large-charge historical ordnance in a shallow water environment : Part 2. Modeling of seismo-acoustic wave propagation. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 47(2), 374-398. DOI 10.1109/JOE.2021.3111791 PDF
- Gao G., Cristini P., Favretto-Cristini N. & Deumié C. (2021) On the reflection of time-domain acoustic spherical waves by a sinusoidal diffraction grating. Acta Acustica 5, 1-6. PDF
- Ursin B., Favretto-Cristini N. & Cristini P. (2021) Amplitude and phase changes for reflected and transmitted waves from a curved interface in anisotropic media. Geophysical Journal International 224, 719-737. PDF
- Solymosi B., Favretto-Cristini N., Monteiller V., Cristini P., Ursin B. & Komatitsch D. (2020) Seismic surveying and imaging at laboratory scale: a framework to cross-validate experiments and simulations for a salt-body environment. Geophysics 85(3), T123-T139. PDF
- Traoré O.I., Cristini P., Favretto-Cristini N., Pantera L., Vieu Ph. & Viguier-Pla S. (2019) Clustering acoustic emission signals by mixing two stages dimension reduction and nonparametric approaches. Computational Statistics PDF.
- Solymosi B., Favretto-Cristini N., Monteiller V., Komatitsch D., Cristini P., Arntsen B., Ursin B. (2018) How to adapt numerical simulation of wave propagation and ultrasonic laboratory experiments to be comparable? A case study for a complex topographic model. Geophysics 83(4), T195-T207. PDF
- Landrø M. & Favretto-Cristini N. (2018) Viewpoint : Acoustic Experiments without Borders. Physics 11, 71-73. PDF
- Traoré O.I., Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P., Pantera L. & Viguier-Pla S. (2018) Impact of the Test Device on Acoustic Emission Signals From Nuclear Safety Experiments: Contribution of Wave Propagation Modeling to Signal Processing. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65(9), 2479-2489. PDF
- Garlan T., Mathias X., Brenon E., Favretto-Cristini N., Deschamps A., Beucler E., Guyomard P. & Morio O. (2018) Circular sedimentary figures of anthropic origin in a sediment stability context. Journal of Coastal Research 85, 411-415. PDF
- Traoré O.I., Favretto-Cristini N., Pantera L., Cristini P., Viguier-Pla S. & Vieu Ph. (2017) Which methods and strategies to cope with noise complexity for an effective interpretation of acoustic emission signals in noisy nuclear environment ? Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103(6), 903-916. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Aizenberg A.M., Ursin B., Cristini P. & Tantsereva A. (2017) Analysis of wave scattering from a viscoelastic layer with complex shape. Journal of Computational Acoustics 25(3), 1750023 (12 pages). PDF
- Traoré O.I., Pantera L., Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P., Viguier-Pla S. & Vieu Ph. (2017) Structure analysis and denoising using Singular Spectrum Analysis: application to acoustic emission signals from nuclear safety experiments. Measurement 104, 78-88. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Hégron L. & Sornay Ph. (2016) Identification of the fragmentation of brittle particles during compaction process by the acoustic emission technique. Ultrasonics 67, 178-189. PDF
- Ursin B., Favretto-Cristini N. & Cristini P. (2014) Fresnel volume and interface Fresnel zone for reflected and transmitted waves from a curved interface in anisotropic media. Geophysics 79(5), C123-C134. PDF
- Hégron L., Sornay Ph. & Favretto-Cristini N. (2014) Compaction of a bed of fragmentable particles and associated acoustic emission. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61(4), 2175-2181. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Tantsereva A., Cristini P., Ursin B., Komatitsch D. & Aizenberg A.M. (2014) Numerical modeling of zero-offset laboratory data in a strong topographic environment: Results for a spectral-element method and a discretized Kirchhoff integral method. Earthquake Science 27(4), 391-399. PDF
- Tantsereva A., Ursin B., Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P. & Aizenberg A.M. (2014) Numerical modeling of three-dimensional zero-offset laboratory data by a discretized Kirchhoff integral. Geophysics 79(2), T77-T90. PDF
- Komatitsch D., Carcione J.M., Cavallini F. & Favretto-Cristini N. (2011) Elastic surface waves in crystals. Part 2: Cross-check of two full-wave modeling methods. Ultrasonics 51, 878–889. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Komatitsch D., Carcione J.M. & Cavallini F. (2011) Elastic surface waves in crystals. Part 1: Review of the physics. Ultrasonics 51, 653–660. PDF
- Le Touzé G., Cristini P., Favretto-Cristini N. & Blanco J. (2010) Wavefield extraction using multi-channel chirplet decomposition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127(4), EL140-EL145. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P. & de Bazelaire E. (2009) What is a seismic reflector like? Geophysics 74(1), T13-T23. PDF
Honored by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in the column “Geophysics Bright Spots”
(february 2009)
- Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P. & de Bazelaire E. (2007) Some reflections on reflectors and wave amplitudes. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 93(6), 909-916. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P. & de Bazelaire E. (2007) Influence of the Interface Fresnel zone on the reflected P-wave amplitude modelling. Geophysical Journal International 171, 841-846. PDF
- Makinde W., Favretto-Cristini N. & de Bazelaire E. (2005) Numerical modeling of interface scattering of seismic wavefield from a random rough interface in acoustic medium: comparison between 2D and 3D cases. Geophysical Prospecting 53(3), 373-397. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N. & de Bazelaire E. (2003) PP amplitude bias caused by interface scattering: are diffracted waves guilty? Geophysical Prospecting 51, 99-115. PDF
Selected to appear in the book “Seismic Diffraction” (2016), Ed. by K. Klem-Musatov et al., Geophysics Reprint Series n°30, SEG
- Favretto-Anrès N. & Sessarego J.-P. (1999) Identification of shear wave parameters of viscoelastic solids by laboratory measurements of Stoneley-Scholte waves. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 85, 505-516. PDF
- Favretto-Anrès N. & Rabau G. (1997) Excitation of the Stoneley-Scholte wave at the boundary between an ideal fluid and a viscoelastic solid. Journal of Sound and Vibration 203(2), 193-208. PDF
- Favretto-Anrès N. (1996) Theoretical study of the Stoneley-Scholte wave at the interface between an ideal fluid and a viscoelastic solid. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 82(6), 829-838. PDF
In books
- Traoré O.I., Cristini P., Favretto-Cristini N., Pantera L., Vieu Ph. & Viguier-Pla S. (2017) Contribution of functional approach to the classification and the identification of acoustic emission source mechanisms. In G. Aneiros et al. (eds), Springer, Functional Statistics and Related Fields, Chapter 33, 251-259.
- Traoré O.I., Cristini P., Favretto-Cristini N., Pantera L. & Viguier-Pla S. (2017) Impact of the test device on the behavior of the acoustic emission signals: Contribution of the numerical modeling to signal processing. In IEEE, Reviewed proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA).
- Hégron L., Sornay Ph. & Favretto-Cristini N. (2013) Compaction of a bed of fragmentable particles and associated acoustic emission. In Merelli D. (ed), IEEE, Reviewed proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA).
- Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P. & de Bazelaire E. (2008) On the influence of the Interface Fresnel zone for estimating media parameters from seismic Amplitude-versus-Angle curves. In Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 07, M. Taroudakis and P. Papadakis (eds), 139-148. PDF
- Favretto-Cristini N. (2004) Wave scattering by a periodic array of in-plane cracks at the interface between dissimilar media. In Monografias del Seminario Matematico Garcia de Galdeano vol. 31, VIII Jornadas Zaragoza-Pau de Matemática Aplicada y Estadística, M.C. López de Silanes et al. (eds), 469-478. PDF
- Favretto−Cristini N. (2011) Interaction waves / interfaces in seismics (in french). Thèse d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de la Méditerranée − Institut de Mécanique de Marseille, 171 pages, 21 avril 2011. PDF
- Favretto-Anrès N. (1997) Use of the Stoneley-Scholte and Love waves for characterizing marine sediments (in french). Thèse de Doctorat de Mécanique de l’Université de la Méditerranée, 206 pages, 17 janvier 1997.